An exhibition of the Nuremberg Human Rights Center on the development of international criminal law and the International Criminal Court
The stony path from The Nuremberg Trial 60 years ago, when those primarily responsible for the war and war crimes in Germany had to answer for their actions, to finally establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002 is presented in an exhibition, which was inaugurated on October 2, 2006 in The Hague. It is a travelling exhibition and comprises 16 boards, the texts written in English. The exhibition’s conception and realization was performed by the Nuremberg Human Rights Centre on behalf of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Ge rmany in collaboration with the Goethe Institute. The Goethe Institute intends to present the exhibition mainly in those states which have not yet signed or ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC, thus pointing out the good reasons that speak for a world-wide support of the idea and work of the ICC.