
Spain’s struggle for human rights

Sep 3rd, 2012 | By

A human rights approach to the consequences of the economic crisis in Spain and the demands of the Indignados movement Since 2008, the global economy is experimenting a severe downturn: a deep financial and economic crisis has spread globally. This crisis is having devastating effects on lives and livelihoods across the world, threatening the whole

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Dealing with Torture in Chile Achievements and Shortcomings of the “Valech Report”

Jun 3rd, 2005 | By

by Roberta Bacic and Elizabeth Stanley

Until the establishment of the Comisión Nacional Sobre Prisión Polí­tica y Tortura (National Commission for Political Imprisonment and Torture, hereafter the Comisión), the issues of political imprisonment and torture had been neglected in Chile. This is not to say that there has been no movement at all on the issue. In 1991, the Rettig Report acknowledged torture as a recurrent and institutionalised event, and torture was shown to have preceded most of the executions and ‘disappearances’ of victims. Further, in the transition from dictatorship, some torture survivors have been able to receive personal medical assistance from the Government, others were able to regain their civil rights by challenging official documentation that presented them as criminals, while some have been accepted as viable witnesses in human rights court cases. However, these rights were hard to attain and, at an official level, those who survived imprisonment and torture were not generally acknowledged. […]

The Love of the Grandmothers

Apr 12th, 2002 | By

by José Miguez Bonino

A search like many others … and yet with a difference

One of the most infamous chapters in the “Book of Terror” written by our century is the story of the people who disappeared during the military dictatorship in Argentina. In the twenty-three years which have passed since the start of that dictatorship and today, hundreds of thousands of Argentinians have taken to the streets demanding “truth, justice and punishment of the culprits”. […]